Gammatron, Inc. maintains an impeccable record with regard to radioactive and industrial safety and security. We strive to maintain the highest levels of ALARA within the industry; and we refuse to compromise on those principles.

Gammatron, Inc is licensed for radioactive materials by the Texas Department of State Health Services. In all of our projects, we work with both client and relevant regulatory authority to insure full adherence to all local, state, federal and international regulations.
Client Services
The manufacturing of industrial applications such as the precision machining exterior and interior tube equipment for facilities and plant personnel.
Deep geological storage expertise that avoids any chance of radiation exposure to people and/or any environmental pollution.
Contaminate removal or the reduction in contaminant concentrations and radioactive removal from an environmental site.
Disposal of long-lived low-level radioactive waste utilizing our radioactive waste industrial expertise for government, medical and commercial industries.